Nana brought Grady to the pumpkin patch while she was here last weekend. This is the third year we have been to this place, and it is tons of fun. There is so much to do! I really wanted us all to go, but since it was close to 90 degrees, it was way too hot to bring poor Anson to wear him in a carrier to nap. Anyway, they seemed to have a great time and brought back lots of pumpkins!
This is our family as pumpkins. He found Anson first, but we also have pumpkins representing Mama, Dada, Grady, Nana, and Gaga!

Making friends, as always

If there truly was a "Cool Bus", I think G-Man would drive it. He is one cool 3 year old!

Teepee? Not sure about this one - guess because of Thanksgiving?


We have this shot 3 years in a row! I am pretty sure it is a bit off though - G is about 40 inches, I believe.

Rule #1 of being a little boy: If it is messy, you LOVE it!

Apparently G thought this sign didn't apply to him

Thanks for taking me to the pumpkin patch, Nana!