I have to take a pause from the Disney update to do a post about my favorite little FIVE year old! Grady turned five on November 27th, and I meant to post right away, but things have been crazy. I am not so sure about his size right now because his well visit is tomorrow, but there is lots to say about his development and personality!
In the past year he has done so much and learned so many new skills. He now reads all by himself, which is a huge one. He started when he was not quite 4.5 with the BOB series of early readers. He has finished the whole series and now reads various "early reader" type books. Lately he has been loving non-fiction books and reads simple books about science and nature himself. He amazes me with how quickly he has progressed with this! His spelling is also pretty good, though his actual writing skills are somewhat lacking. He still holds his pencil a bit crazy! But his teacher this year is really working on that with him (as are we), and he is making progress. Another area where he has made huge progress is in his coloring and artwork. It seems that overnight he went from basically scribbling to coloring meticulously. I think he just finally developed a real interest in it. He is also loving to draw now and will sit at his new desk and draw all sorts of great pictures. He cracks me up with the wide variety of subject matter - everything from our family to a Viking Ship (he wanted me to find a picture on the computer to help him know how to do it).
He has a very strong interest in science, which has really blossomed this year. He LOVES space, especially, and also the deep sea. But nature in general fascinates him. We read LOTS of books about science. Another love is geography. He loves to look at maps and even picked out a globe as his "toy" of choice when using a gift card recently. We read his children's atlas a lot, and he can tell you about many parts of the world. He really seems fascinated by Asia. When his teacher recently asked him where he would like to visit most, he said "China because I would like to see all of the ancient things there". He has told his whole class about Bangladesh and Cape Horn and also apparently had the whole group building Venice with blocks. As far as US geography, he can name most states by seeing their shape and also knows what state most bigger cities belong in. He knows many of the capitals as well.
He LOVES school, as always, but even more so this year. He has a fabulous teacher and just seems to love going every day. He is very social as well and just has so many friends there. As far as I know he has basically never had any type of major problem at school. During the parent/teacher conference she just could nto say enough good things about him, including the fact that she thinks he has the most amazing memory.
As far as active pursuits, he started swimming for REAL this summer. He could swim underwater last summer, but that only lasted until he needed a breath. This year he learned how to lift his head for air, which allowed him to swim farther distances. He also played soccer for the first time this fall. Daddy coached his team, which he loved. He scored 5 or 6 goals and was also quite a defensive force! He really loved it and cannot wait to play in the spring again.
Grady loves church and especially loves our pastor (the feeling between them seems to be mutual). He is involved in the children's choir also and will be performing for the first time next weekend! I joke that he is "Pastor Grady" because he just seems to naturally have a strong religious interest. He asks lots of questions about God and loves to read Bible stories.
The most amazing thing about little G is his kind and gentle spirit. As many people have said about him, he has a good heart. He is quick to hug (and sometimes even kiss) just about everyone around him. He is very affectionate and just loves people. I think his favorite person in the world must be his baby brother Anson, and he is beside himself excited to be getting a baby sister too. He talks to her lots and tries to feel her kick too.
Grady is just such a fun and exciting little boy. He has such a huge range of interests and is always telling me something new he wants to learn or try (guitar, acting, dancing, etc.). I have been so very lucky to have him in my life for 5 years. I never knew how amazing the world could be until he was in it.
Here are a few recent pictures, including a few from his actual birthday, which was low-key after the MANY festivities leading up to it.
At "superhero training" at the library - so cute

Birthday morning
opening his RC Publix truck, from Anson

blowing out the candle on the cake

At Roper Mountain Lights last weekend

At Festival of the Trees downtown
At Breakfast with Santa (more pictures of that coming, as there was a professional photographer)

picking out a tree yesterday

I also took Grady to see the Nutcracker last weekend (our second year going), which was super fun!
I can't wait to see what exciting things the next year with my little G brings!