Anson turned 15 months old yesterday, so I thought it was time for an update on him. He is doing well.
He talks up a storm - crazy. I thought Grady was a talker, but he has him beat (at this age). He will do the sounds for a dog, pig, chicken, and sheep. He also says "no! no!" very sternly while pointing at things he is not supposed to touch (like electrical outlets). He says Mama, Dada, Grady (more like "Dee Dee"), uh oh, bye bye, caught, pop (when asking for one at the end of EVERY meal), nana (banana), yuck, light (he is obsessed with lights of any sort), eye (he points to mine and says it), bottle (baba), and bubble. He will also hold his finger to his lips and say "ssshhhhh" if we do or if something is loud. He can point to his body if you ask him "where's your body?" (makes him VERY proud). He signs milk, more, all done.
He loves books now. "Hop on Pop" is a favorite, and he will bring it over to me saying "pop pop". He also says some of the parts in the book. There is a part that says "No Pat No" which he particularly loves. He also likes "Let's Dance Little Pookie" and will wave at the sky when they say "Hello Sky!" His other favorite is "The Very Busy Spider". When they say "she caught it in her web" he will grab the air and say "caught!" (quite clearly actually).
He still LOOOOVES to eat. Seriously. I am guessing he eats about 1200 calories per day - is that normal? How is he not enormous? He still takes 5 bottles of day (almond milk now). We are starting to move him to sippy cups for milk - he has juice or water in them very happily but won't drink his milk as well out of one). Then he eats 3 meals per day and 2-3 snacks. And every time I feed him it is as if he hasn't eaten in days - inhaling the food by the fistful. He still loves meat - meatballs, deli meat (Boar's Head turkey or ham), meatloaf, meat sauce on pasta, etc. He also loves peanut butter and sunflower butter. He eats any type of fruit but isn't so great about veggies.
He goes to the doctor in about a week, so I will know for sure then, but I am pretty sure he is still quite tall for his age (he towers over every other baby his age that I see). His head is clearly huge since even some 18-24 month hats are tight, and he is about 23 pounds (not sure how that falls). He looks nice and chunky to me, though his height and long legs make him look a little thinner than he would otherwise. He is wearing 12-18 month clothes, though the rompers are starting to be a bit short.
He is a big laugher and we have all sorts of little games he loves. Like he will sit in his little armchair in his room and wait for me because he wants me to crawl across the floor and then tickle him while saying "I'm gonna get you!" He laughs hysterically every time.
His favorite toys are trucks and cars (he is loving his Little People schoolbus lately), ring stackers (we have a few), and anything Grady is playing with. He loves to just mess around with Grady. They chase each other, make each other laugh, and play all sorts of games. Anson is also loving his Glowworm now that he figured out how to turn it on. He also turns on his crib sotther sometimes and just loves the music. He really seems to enjoy music in general and will often dance like crazy when it is on. I am hoping to do a Kindermusik class with him this fall.
He is just such a sweet little guy - very cuddly and loving. We adore our little "Anson Bo"!
A few recent pictures...
At the tool store with Daddy, eating snacks, of course
At Daddy's work!
Having a beloved pop
Playing trains at the bookstore
Playing in the sandbox (he didn't move for about 45 minutes)
Swings! He loves them.
At the library today
I love my little "poochiki"!