One of the ways we have tried to fit in some non-pool outside playtime in this very hot weather is by incorporating ice into our play. Turns out ice, baby oil, and glitter are a fun (MESSY) mix!
First we played with some colorful ice, but that melted so quickly
I have tried to do a lot of fun educational things with the boys this summer. Grady loves to learn, and for Anson there are so many great ways to learn as we play.
One thing I have started to do is sensory bins. My first attempt at this was a hit! We did an ocean-themed bin with ocean-scented oil, spaghetti (cooked and dyed green) for seaweed, shells and rocks, water (dyed green), and some sea creature toys. The boys played with it for at least an hour straight, completely entranced.
The bin...
The kids digging in
They loved the "seaweed"
We also learned a lot at a recent trip to Happy cow Creamery, a local dairy farm
Checking out the very large tractor that pulled us along on our tour
Another large tractor
Milking the "cow"
Checking out the real cows
Trying the different types of yummy milk
The zoo is always an educational experience! Dada took the boys to Hollywild a couple weeks ago.
Geese are hilarious!
Feeding the turkeys
Feeding some huge guy on the safari
Grady and Anson also both hit their goals for the library summer reading program! Grady got a really nice medal, a pencil, and free tickets to the water park as well as tickets to a minor league baseball game (where the reading champs will parade in and get their names on a billboard!). Anson got a board book and was very proud.
We have been busy checking things off our bucket list and learning lots of new things! We will start up our "country of the week" again next week with Egypt!
I keep getting so behind on here, but we have just been SO busy this summer!
We are having so much fun swimming - Grady is like a fish and Anson is unstoppable with his float on. He loves to jump in! Even Cam has gotten in on the splashy fun! It has been so hot here that we are staying cool any way we can!
Anson playing in our new blow-up pool (with waterfall and slide!)
On our way to the pool
Trying to cool off in the fountain?!
Another great place to cool off - the splash pad downtown!