Last weekend Eric and I took Grady on a special birthday trip. He got alone time with BOTH parents, and we all enjoyed the experience of RVing in the Smoky Mountains. We missed the littles, but knew they were safe and happy with Nana and Papa. We also met up with Gaga and Grandpa in Tennessee!
Grady was so excited to check out the RV when we parked it in the driveway
And here he is, ready to go! We picked him up in the RV after a half day of school.
We stopped to check out the beautiful view along the way
After about 3 hours of driving, we arrived at our RV park and got set up!
That evening we saw an amazing show at the Dixie Stampede. Before heading in we needed to get a photo with the GIANT Christmas tree!
Daddy and Grady at the show - they rode horses that jumped through rings of fire!
The next morning we headed over to the Old Mill area to check it out. It is still operating.
Then we headed over to Dollywood and arrived just as it was opening
We got to ride basically everything throughout the day. Here are Eric and G on the "Lumberjack Lift"
Grady checked out this car as we waited to drive in the retro car ride
On the Shooting Star
We were missing our other little elf (Anson)!
Grady won himself a stuffed cow in this game
On the carousel he wanted "the big horse"
Staying cozy on Daddy's shoulders while we wait for the Christmas lights show and parade
The lights show was really pretty and a great way to end our big day at Dollywood
Next up, the national park!