It's my blog, so I can give these posts whatever title I want, right? I may be biased, but to me it is totally true. Camille is not just beautiful but she has this adorable and super-sweet personality. She really seems to love people. She is always waving and smiling and saying "hi" or "bye" (always said with what sounds like a Southern accent, but it could just be her babyishness). She loves her brothers, especially Grady and is definitely a Daddy's girl. she is mostly just super happy and smiley and lovey to everyone around her.
New things she is doing include blowing kisses (with a "ma" sound), giving real hugs, lots of animal sounds (rooster-"do da do do do", dog "woof", monkey "ahh ahh ahh ahh", cow "oooo", and owl "whoo", and doing almost all the sounds in "Mr. Brown Can Moo". She is also starting to tell us when she poops, so maybe she will be potty trained before her big brother ;). She also signs some - "more", "milk", and "cookie". She picks up signs super quickly (like I show her a couple times and find her doing it the next day) but is also starting to talk a lot, so I am not that invested in teaching them.
Here are a few pictures of her...
First, it was almost 70 and sunny...
Then, the very next day, we had some freak snow. It was actually about 45 degrees but somehow snowing. By that afternoon it got much warmer and very sunny and melted super fast. So crazy. But it was the first snow in Camille's life!
She kept eating the snow!
So that's a bit about Miss Cami Lou. Other than a little teething lately, she is healthy, super happy, and just a fabulous tiny lady!