Grady is now the proud owner of a ride-on Jeep, compliments of Mama, Dada, Nana, and Papa! We decided to go in on it together as an early "Happy Big Brother" gift. Grady and Dada both love Jeeps and love pointing them out wherever they go, so we knew he would love it. He certainly does love it and has already been off-road in it a couple times. Now Dada is just wondering when he gets his...
I was trying to capture his excitement upon seeing the box get delivered. Excuse our messy, toy-filled garage!

And he's off!

The overgrown vacant lot near our house is perfect for "off-roading"!

He looks like he is on safari, with his hat and all

Chillin' on his Jeep

And a few videos...
Blowing out of the garage
Riding around the pool area
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