It has definitely been quite an adustment to go from one to two children. In many ways it has been easier than I thought it would be. But in some ways it is tougher. I am finding it so hard to split my attention because while love certainly multiplies, time does NOT! Isn't there a way to have 2 only children? Just kidding - I am so happy they will have each other as time goes on, but right now Anson and Grady aren't exactly into the same things! One thing Anson is definitely into is EATING! He loves to do it - all the time. And his weight gain reflects that. He was above his birthweight (7 pounds) at 11 days old. Other than that, he is pretty much just sleeping all the time - not much awake time yet. Grady really is such a kind little boy and has been especially so with his little bro. He has had his moments with me but has been nothing but super loving towards Anson. The boy just has a heart of gold. Now for some pictures of our first 2 weeks at home! How Anson spends much of his time

Grady making brownies with Mama - he loves to bake!

I love those chubby little cheeks. I have started calling him my "squishy wishy" because when he wakes up he will squish his face all around.

Memorial Day Weekend was fun - Gaga and Grandpa Carl came to visit. We took Grady to the pool on Saturday and Sunday so they could see his great "swimmy swimmy" skills

playing in the neighborhood playground

This is how Anson spent the holiday

Grady and his grandpa

picking "flowers" on the way home

Gaga and Anson

Gaga and her grandsons

And some videos... Dark but hilarious - Grady dancing along to the singing stuffed flower he brought me and Anson in the hospital.
Ansons squishy faces
Grady having fun in the pool:
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