He likes to lounge. You will notice lots of binkie in these pictures. Anson had something going on for about a day and a half. Stomach issues, maybe teeth - not sure. He did come down with a cold the day we got back from vacation, so maybe it was that coming on. Not sure, but the bink was keeping him happier.
A Kookaburra - we sing about those guys in Anson's Kindermusik class! Grady knows the song too, so we had to sing a little.
Grady and a huge gator
He's real!
Not the best picture of A, but there are only about 2 of me from the whole trip - proof that I was there!
petting a snake!
And a gator!
Albino gators - very very rare and good luck to see them, apparently
Checking out the babies and some guys who were in the "hospital"
Grady LOVED this guy - he even remembered this exhibit from last year and was excited to see it the whole time we were there
After lunch Anson napped while Grady got to go mini golfing!
It was a Captain Hook themed place and apparently the most over-the-top mini golf place ever.
Grady got 3 holes in one!
That night we all went to Margaritaville for dinner. Grady and I had non-alcoholic pina coladas :)
Outside - there was music, hence there was dancing...
Grandpa kept Ans entertained for a bit (video to come)
This lady was making balloon animals - Grady loved her, of course
One more post coming!
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