Right now she is taking 2 naps per day and sleeps OK at night, usually waking once in the early AM to eat and then going back to sleep. As far as eating, she eats solids 2-3 times/day but isn't eating too much variety yet, mostly because I try to go slow on her belly. She LOVED mangoes, which was a recent addition to her menu. She also eats peas, carrots, pears, peaches, apples, prunes, watermelon, Cheerios, and Mum-Mums. Chicken was "not her favorite". The baby-lady has a great pincer grasp and has no problem picking up on thing at a time.
She is strong physically and crawls very well now. She pulls up and stands a lot and has stood on her own for a few seconds here and there. She has also walked with her walker quite a few times.
She has 8 teeth and seems to be getting another one currently.
She has a few words, which is fun. She says "mama", "dada", and "bye bye" (so it seems - she also waves).
She really loves books and focuses very well for story. She will even kiss the babies in her "Global Babies" book.
She loves her baby dolls and plays with them as soon as she wakes up. When I come to get her she is almost always playing with one.
She really enjoys being tossed in the air and will often giggle for that.
Some pictures of the baby beauty...
Trying Cheerios for the first time
Happy girl!
Showing a little bum cheek in the kitchen...
She is also getting hair!
Playing with Dada, who she adores!
On her 9 month birthday
We love our little Cami Rose!
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