She is a pretty good sleeper now. She puts herself to sleep at night (with a binkie) with no tears. She sleeps from about 7PM - 6:30AM straight. She takes 2 naps (we rock her for those but plan to phase that out soon) for about 45-90 minutes each.
She isn't eating too many things. She just does not love purees, so we are giving her more finger foods now. She likes pears, Cheerios, watermelon, Mum Mums, puffs, and Italian bread. She also LOVES ice cream cake (found that out on her birthday).
As far as what she enjoys, she loves the baby swings at the park, playing peek-a-boo, baby dolls, bouncing games on my knees, anything to do with Daddy, dancing, and reading (especially touch and feel books).
On her birthday we took her to the Children's Museum for the first time, and she loved it!
See? She is pretending that car part is a phone!
She was Grady's pit crew
Her favorite area was the farm!
She is trying to make pig noises here
In the water area
Pushing the little shopping cart, which is still bigger than her
She loved the ice cream cake that we got her
That night we went out to dinner at Mimi's Cafe. I have to say, considering we have 3 very small kids, it was a fun time!
We could not love little Camille more - all of us. Her brothers really adore her, which is so sweet. It has been a very special first year, we just hope the second year does not go quite so quickly!
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