Saturday, August 10, 2013


The summer has been going so fast, in a blur of trips to the park, library shows, and afternoons at the pool - good stuff.  Here are some highlights of what our typical days involve!

Pump it Up

Grady on the rockwall

Anson trying it too

We tried out the Fountain Inn Farmer's Market recently, and Anson came across a cake pop

He enjoyed it so much that people were literally stopping to watch him eat it!

Our yummy finds

We also went to a new park in Fountain Inn

Because it is usually so hot here, we try to find cool ways to play outside, other than just going to the pool.  One favorite activity is painting with frozen paint.  It's non-toxic and washable, so they can all do it!

They finished up with some edible pops!

We always love the Children's Museum!  While Grady had camp there one day I took the little ones to play.

I also took them downtown to the splash pad

Then we wandered over to the Children's Garden

We have also been going to lots of fun programs at the library this summer.  This is from a fantastic puppet show we saw - there were stories from around the world, acted out with puppets.  It was hard to get a good picture, but that's the kids with the puppeteer and one of his puppets!

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