Sunday, July 18, 2010

Anson is 2 months old!

Anson is 2 months old today! He goes for his check-up this week, and I will post all of his stats then, but for now I will just say that he is doing well. He is wearing 0-3 month clothes (and is almost too long for the footed jammies already). He is holding his head up well more and more when we hold him (and starting to lift it at tummy time). He coos quite a bit. He smiles when smiled at and even smiles spontaneously at things sometimes. He smiles a lot - sometimes even in the middle of fussing he will stop and smile a little. And he can follow an object from side to side with his eyes pretty well. His favorite toy (the one that gains the most attention from him) is an orange and yellow lion stuffie that rattles when you shake it. It was a gift from Grandma Schmidt before he was born!

Not too much going on here. We've been getting out a bit more lately, though we mostly stick close to home still. Good thing Grady has way too many toys, tons of art supplies, lots of educational videos, a Cool School computer, and loves to bake! So we find lots to do here. Anyway, I just wanted to post a few new pictures - mostly of Anson...




And I just had to add one of Grady at the same age - are they twins or what!?


OK - back to Anson...

he's kicking these a lot now


Grady was squishing his cheeks and he was just smiling like crazy - of course I couldn't quite get it on camera



baby straight jacket - he always sleeps like this




And some bad news is that Grady and Anson both have a cold. Luckily it is very mild. Anson never even got a fever of any sort. He just has a bit of a stuffy nose and has not been sleeping as well as he had been. Grady is doing fine and almost over it. Hopefully Anson's will pass quickly too.

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