While there is certainly more summery weather ahead, this weekend does sort of mark the end of real summer, as Grady starts school next week. Summer 2010 was a very special one, particularly because of the addition of a new little one into our family. Now we are really looking forward to a fun-filled fall!
Stories with Daddy last week...
Baby Man
Grady doing some artwork
Grady is still obsessed with his brother and gives him tons of hugs. He's such a good big brother.
We think Anson has become quite the little chunker!
holding a toy!
Getting very good at tummy time
drooly because we think he is getting his first tooth already
Super cute matching outfits from Nana
This is what happens when I leave Daddy alone with Anson
On Sunday morning we all went to the zoo - Gaga, Grandpa, Mama, Dada, Grady, and even Anson! It was officially his first trip to the zoo. He was even awake some of the time!
getting a ride from Grandpa
Gaga and Grandpa relaxing with Anson - he is such a mellow baby!
Sunday afternoon we all headed to the neighborhood carnival at the pool. They had games, a bounce house, a fire engine, and lots of yummy treats. We had a great time!
Grady was THE first child on the fire engine
then his buddy Drew joined in
doing the fishing game
and eating his prize
pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey (where he peeked)
First real cotton candy!
On Monday everyone except me and Anson went to Lake Conestee to hike
That afternoon we took Grady to the pool when he swam with Gaga and Grandpa.
That evening Gaga helped me to give Anson a tubby
We get to see Gaga agin in a few days when she comes to stay with us while Dada goes to Atlanta for a few days. We're excited to see her again!
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