Grandma Schmidt (Gaga, as G calls her) came to stay with us last week when Daddy had to travel to Atlanta. It was so great to have her and she was TONS of help. I am not sure what sort of insanity would have occurred without her, but I feel like I may owe my life to her right now. So THANK YOU GAGA! She made everything nicer for everyone. It was especially nice that I could bring Grady to his first week of school without worrying about Anson being happy or tired or whatever. Whether he realizes it or not, I know Grady is thankful for that too.
Here are a few pictures from the week:
Gaga and Anson

Gaga was great about playing with Anson when I was doing some special things with G, like going to the playground. She also got him to roll from back to belly, which had only done once before! Here he is having some tummy time.
Smiling at the baby on the block:

The pictures of Grady's first day of school were also taken when she was here. Wish there were more pictures, but we were busy taking care of the boys!
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