Tired Mama and cute Anson
His stocking from Santa
Helping Daddy open his sotcking
Another trash truck! He has quite the collection...
Grady is helping me open my gift from him - tons of crazy color nail polishes! Fun for toes!
That apple isn't edible Anson!
Ooooh - a new fancy hooded towel!
Grady giving some love
Grady picked out this toy for Anson, and he is showing him how it works
Grady was a little TOO excited about Anson's new play table - he was sort of hogging it
SUPER cute globe from Nana and Papa
G helping A open some more of his gifts
And Anson helped Nana with hers
Anson's new zebra from Nana and Papa - so much fun!
Daddy and Grady did some science experiments from his new kit later that day. Grady LOVED it!
What's it going to do!?
It snowed Christmas afternoon and I took Anson out to see his first snow. We also played in it the next morning. I'll post those pictures next!
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