Friday, January 21, 2011

Anson is Eight Months Old!

So Little A turned 8 months old this week. He is doing well in so many ways and not so great in others. His sleep has basically been terrible - first due to his milk/soy protein intolerance. Since I had been nursing (and not eating dairy) he was doing OK. But we tried some soy formula (thinking we could give him an occasional bottle if I was out) and it did NOT agree with him! So now I am off of soy and dairy, which gives me very little to eat. It looks like I will be weaning him soon so he can get the dairy-free/soy-free food he needs, and I won't waste away! Needless to say all of this messing with his diet has disrupted things, but his belly seems better now. Of course this week he has 2 top teeth coming in, so the sleep hasn't improved yet. But we are hopeful that more restful nights are right around the corner.

While sleep is a big deal, I have to say everything else with him is very good. He has such a sweet mellow personality. He is enjoying his Jumperoo now, though he is much more chill in it than G ever was. He doesn't even really jump - just sort of bobs on there - so cute. He LOVES music and is still dancing to any/everything. I actually took him to his first baby storytime at the library this week, which is mostly music, and he seemed to enjoy it. We love the teacher, Miss Donna, and have been missing her since G got too big for that class. Now I am back with A, and he is the smallest one there! Anson is now rolling all over the place and can get places quite well that way, though he is showing signs that he is getting ready to crawl soon too.

As far as eating, we are slowly adding more and more foods. His appetite has been lower since he has been teething, but he still seems to love food and be very interested in it. He is eating peaches, pears, prunes, mango, bananas, sweet potatoes, and apples. He also likes his mesh feeder and eats frozen or fresh fruit in there.

He is very smiley and also seems to laugh a lot. Grady was always extremely smiley, but it was sort of tough to get him to laugh. Anson cracks up at everything. It's so cute. I have a great video of that below. Now for some pictures!




Making snowflakes on a chilly, icy day a couple weeks back.




Anson still loves his playgym...



Grady had lots of fun last weekend - Mama took him to the Children's Museum for their special Circus-themed celebration (the circus is coming in 2 weeks and we have VIP, front-row tickets - YAY!) and Daddy took him to the car show. We will *hopefully* be getting a new car in the next couple of months, so they were scoping out mini vans :)

Car show fun...



Grady shares Eric's love of Jeeps


Iron Man was there


I think he liked the color of this one


I wonder if he knows why this car is cool


One day recently Mama helped Grady with a science experiment. We made a non-Newtonian substance. We're such nerds.







Daddy had to go to Houston, leaving Mama to do bedtime alone for a few nights. So the boys had their tubs together. It may have been the cutest thing I have ever witnesssed. Anson's Bumbo seat started to float away after a bit, so we had to take him out of it. But by then I had no free hands to take pictures!


Today was construction day at school. Mama went to "help" (stalk Grady and take pictures).

He loved this thing with pipes and water. He told the girls it was a sewer system, which they did not like one bit - ha!




He also did a very nice tiling job, laid some bricks with mortar, used a roller brush to paint a "building" and much more. It was tons of fun!

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