Other than that she looked great. She was seeming gassy, and we think she has a milk protein intolerance like her brothers, but her dairy-free diet seems to be helping.
Her sleep is pretty good at night. She generally just wakes once, eats, and goes right back to sleep. As is the case with all my kids, she isn't a great napper, though some afternoons she will pull out a 3-4 hour one. She sleeps in her bassinet very well at night, though during the day not as much. We hold her more, and I need to start wearing her too. She has napped in the sling a few times.
I think she will be very social, as she already smiles a LOT, mostly at Mama so far. She also makes eye contact often and holds it for some time. She has also been cooing a bit, even in response to me, which seems surprising.
Her general demeanor seems quite calm and content. She seems to enjoy attention from her brothers too!
Some pictures from the past few weeks...
Anson giving her some love. He calls her "Cami" now.
Cami Eating her hand - a favorite activity
Nana and Camille
First tub at home
All clean!
Going for a walk
Getting dressed
She is holding her head up pretty well now
After her cord stump fell off both her brothers helped give her first real bath
We love you, Camille, and we are so happy you are part of our family!
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