On December 19 I had a doctor's appointment to discuss the possibility of an induction so that Camille and I could be home for Christmas. My due date was Christmas Day, so it was just a bit early. They said things were progressing, and I could be induced on December 21. Well Cami had her own plan because that afternoon I started having contractions while playing outside with he boys - first 10 minutes apart, then about 8. I continued playing (and built a volcano in the sandbox with Grady) but then decided to come inside where Nana was making dinner. After eating dinner with everyone and getting the kids put to bed, it was clear that we needed to head to the hospital. By the time we were checked in around 8 PM, contractions were 4-5 minutes apart. Everything moved pretty quickly after that, and after 2 pushes Camille Rose Schmidt entered the world - healthy and very pink! She weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces and was 19 inches. So far she has been doing very well. At 2 weeks, when they should be back to birth weight, she was 7 pounds, 4.5 ounces. Her brothers adore her, even little Anson who didn't really know she was coming.
Here she is, right after birth

Her weight!

Meeting Momma

First sponge bath

First time meeting Grady!

Meeting Anson and Nana too!

Anson kept saying "baby... Hugs... Awwww...."

With Daddy

Second visit from the big brothers

Napping with Dada

Ready to come home

Home! Grady is singing "You are My Sunshine" to her.

Cami is such a sweet baby girl, and we are so lucky to have her in our lives. We can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for all of us - first smiles, first laughs, first words, and first crawls. I am so excited to get to know her and to see Grady and Anson get to know her. They are all going to have such fun together!
More pictures and video of Camille's first days home coming up next!
Congrats!! She is gorgeous! :)