My little Anson Bo just turned two, and he is just sweeter and funnier by the day. It's hard to even put him into words right now, and it's hard to keep up with all of the new things he is doing every day. It's like the day he turned two he had a developmental explosion. First of all, his favorite new word is YES! When you ask him questions, the answer is usually yes right now, which is great. He is also asking "what's this?" which can go on endlessly, especially at bedtime. And no matter how complex the answer, his response is usually "oh". He has become so very social - everyone is a friend - Mr. Jeff, the lawn guy (who he invited to his birthday party); Miss Charlena, our neighbor; all of the teachers and kids at Grady's school; Miss Daisy, who works at the grocery store. He especially loves kids, and if we are going somewhere he thinks kids will be, he excitedly asks "kids?!". It is so joyful to go through the day with someone like that - smiling at, hugging, and chatting with everyone you see. Many people and things are also "pretty" and "cute" right now. And he tells me he loves me at least 10 times a day. He also asks for "big hugs?" again and again. He also loves Dada, Grady, and Camille a ton. Grady is like a superstar, and he will copy practically everything he does. Camille is a little princess who can do. O wrong. He often calls her "Cami Lamby", which he gets from me. He does play quite well on his own, but he prefers to play with Grady and will even do some interactive playing with him. He is starting to do a lot of pretend play now, and his favorite toys are trucks, tools (tool belt and hard hat are necessary accessories most days now), his kitchen or grill, and our doctor kit. He is also obsessed with Grady's Legos (or "Yagos", as A son calls them). He really enjoys stuffed animals right now too and will often call them "babies" and even wrap them in a blanket or feed them a pretend bottle. He loves books as well and asks to read them a lot, even when it is not a regular story time. He has even been telling me he is going to read the book to me now, and he describes the pictures to me. His favorites right now are "Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site", "Cat in the Hat", and the "Little Blue Truck" book. He loves to sign too, and will try to sing along with whatever is on in the car (though he often LOUDLY requests songs). He loves soccer and after watching Grady play all spring, he says he wants to play. He is also loving swimming and now wears his floatie and swims in the pool on his own (with us very close, obviously). He also loves to do 1-2-3 jump! And jumps to me in the water. He has actually just started jumping for real recently. At his 2 year well visit last week he was about 40th % for weight (a little low since he had just been sick), and about 85th for head and height. He was so good at the doctor, despite his recent traumatic experiences with doctors, and he hugged the doctor a bunch and was just so sweet. He is not the easiest little guy, but he is mellowing out a bit, and he certainly matches every bit of fussiness with an equal (or greater, really) dose of happiness and humor and fun and delight. His face just beams when he is happy, and when he says "Anson do it" (which he says quite often) and he actually DOES it, well the pride on his face is priceless and worth any amount of mess that may have been made. Thank you for a great 2 years Ansy Bo. Looking forward to whatever is next! Now for some photos of his second birthday. Party photos to come... Grady, with the new table Nana and Papa got Anson for his birthday. He loves to play with the train, which was in Grady's room, so this allowed us to move it downstairs.
Grover is his favorite now, and we got him one for his birthday
Opening some books
Checking out the sandwich set from Grammy Nancy
And the pizza set, also from Grammy Nancy
Opening the grill from Mama and Dada
And a mower from Gaga and Grandpa
After lunch, Anson enjoyed some birthday cake flavored frozen yogurt
It was fun and mellow day before the big party on Saturday!
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