He is turning into such a fun, happy little guy! One big thing is that his sleep has improved SO MUCH! He now puts himself to sleep in his crib at about 7PM (with a binkie and a lovey) and sleeps through the night until about 6:45-7AM. He puts himself to sleep for his 2 naps per day also. He actually seems to like his crib now and will wiggle like he wants to get out of your arms if he is very tired.
Eating is going very well too. He now takes 5 bottles of formula per day (all are 6 ounce, except for the bedtime one which is 8 ounces). He loves solids and mainly eats table food. He gets frustrated with purees because he seems to want to feed himself and cannot yet use a spoon, of course. He eats steamed fruit chunks or softer fruits just cut up. He loves Cheerios, wagon wheels, cookies (of course), bread, pasta, chicken (a big one) and meatloaf. And he eats so fast! By the time I cut up some food and give it to him, then have a bite myself, the food is gone - it's crazy. He is also starting to do well with a sippy cup. He has a little pear juice with water in there.
He just had his well baby visit and was 20 pounds, 5 ounces (about 55th %) and 30" (90th %). The doctor said he looked "perfect" as fas as his health and development.
So as for development, he is doing a lot! He crawls now, though he isn't fast like Grady was. He just sort of moseys along. He also loves to pull up all the time and often forgets that he cannot stand on his own. He'll just suddenly let go and turn to walk away. But Anson, you don't walk yet! He is "talking" a lot - says "Mama" and "Dada" with meaning, we think. It alo seems like he is trying to say "Grady" (more like "Gidi"). He also babbles lots and will try to copy sounds a lot too (Nana swears he was saying "moo" when she was showing him a cow and saying "moo" to him). He just started doing "high 5" and will smack your hand - he gets very proud when he does this! He also waves a lot and claps like crazy, especially when happy. He will sign "milk" now, but it doesn't always seem to be when he is having milk. I think he will do well with signing though, and this is the age when Grady just started to pick up on it.
Here are some recent pictures of Anson and his best friend, Grady.
These are from Anson's first trip to the playground!
Nana and Grady downtown last weekend. Nana came to stay since Dada had to go away for a few days. We are so thankful for her and had a lot of fun with her!
Anson giving Nana some love - he warmed right up to her!
Anson loves to ride on Dada's shoulders!
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