I cannot even tell you how proud I am of Grady right now. Today he wrote his name all by himself! And when I say all by himself, I mean he wasn't looking at anything or copying or anything. He just said "I'm going to write my name on the back of this" and wrote it. And he did a pretty good job. He said "I did a big G and the rest lowercase". Which he did (except for the D). This is huge because he has shown very little interest in writing and has barely practiced. I swear I think he has been practicing when I am not looking because how can you never do something and then suddenly do it that well? But that is Grady for you - he did the same with walking, talking, and many other things - waited to do something until he could REALLY do it. I just don't understand how that works - how do you get good at the thing without practicing? Only Grady knows the answer, apparently. And no, he hasn't been doing it at school. His teacher said he doesn't really write. She wasn't concerned but just said, though it is still early, we may want to work on it some. Looks like we are on the right path now!
Anyway, here is a picture of the beautiful letters :)

Unfortunately he didn't quite plan out his space well so he had to go down the side, but all of the letters are there and looking quite good, I think.
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