I didn't get too many pictures of the party because I was handing everything out and keeping an eye on crazy Anson Bo who was trying to steal everyone's treats and juice. A few other moms took pictures and said they would share them with me.
Anson enjoyed himself
Since it was almost the end of the day, we hung out on the playground with Grady and friends.
They had a pretend ice cream stand going
When Eric got home we carved 3 pumpkins (the ones that represent the kids). We were last-minute but that's because I didn't want them to get yucky before Halloween. Last weekend we did 4 others (Mama, Dada, Gaga, and Grandpa Carl) with rub-on faces that were really cool, mostly because Grady could do it himself.
Anson didn't really want to take part in digging out the goop, surprisingly. He doesn't love yucky stuff as much as Grady.
Grady with our works of art! Actually, that's just Anson and baby sister. Grady isn't carved yet.
After dinner the boys got suited up to go trick-or-treating! Grady was ready first. He LOVED his costume and put it back on after school today.
With neighborhood friends (Drew, Olivia, and Sarah)
With best bud, Drew. They stuck together all night
Anson makes his appearance! His costume was plenty long enough, but when we carried him his pants rode up. He seemed to actually sort of get the idea that everyone was dressed up. He kept his headpiece on very well and even made monkey sounds - SO CUTE!
Trying to get the perfect shot
And Daddy went as a crazy redneck pipeliner. No wait, that's just how he goes to work - haha!
Anson kept giving Ashley hugs and saying "hug hug"
He enjoyed walking though he could not keep up with the bigger kids, of course. Grady was running from house to house at an amazing speed!
Here is most of our crew (Grady is in there somewhere) at a very cool house
At the end of the night Grady got to give out candy for a bit, which he thought was VERY cool. He also loved that some of the big kids that came by told him they liked his costume! Oh, and the pumpkins on the right are the adults - Mama and Dada are together, Grandpa is on the bottom, and Gaga is on the top with the pink lips :)
It was such a fun day for the boys! I especially could not believe how much Anson enjoyed himself. It was no surprise that Grady was filled with excitement all day!
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