Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Anson is Three Months Old!

My little guy is 3 months old today, and he is growing like crazy! Based on my unscientific method of weighing him at home, he is 13 pounds! According to the CDC chart, that puts him at 45th%!!! He has gone from 30th to 45th % in one month! So no wonder I feel like he loves to eat. He looks like such a chunker to me.

He's doing quite well. At night he sleeps from about 7:30PM-7AM, waking twice. I look at that as pretty good for that stretch. If I feed him around 10PM, he will only get up once. And he usually goes right back to sleep, often drifting off while I feed him. His naps are a bit all over the place. We have good days and bad days. Its like if I can get him past the dreaded 45 minute window, he will sleep and sleep.

He's a great eater - nursing about 20-30 minutes now, which is still long, but tons better than it was. So far he has had no formula, which makes me happy. I wanted to make it until at least 3 months (ideally 6 months) without supplementing.

As far as developmental stuff, he coos lots, can really hold his head up great during tummy time (just noticed a big difference a couple days ago), and is a champ at following things with his eyes (regardless of direction). He seems quite social and smiles lots. However, he is not nearly as "hyper alert" as G was - thank goodness! He seems much more mellow than G was, and will happily hang out on his own for 15 minutes or so. Even if there is nothing super exciting to look at, he'll just chill.

He seems to like when I sing and when I do "Itsy Bitsy Spider". He still loves fans too. He REALLY loves his big brother and will give him these amazing smiles where his whole face lights up.

We love Anson like crazy and are so happy he is here, despite the tough transition that we are still in the midst of. He's a great little guy, usually only fussing if he is tired or hungry. He also seems quite healthy, which is a huge relief. Happy 3 months "Chubs"!

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